.00M – Start, run south through field behind the start/finish, connect with trail and continue up towards Ecology Trail (Lower)
.25M – Left turn on Connector Trail to El Polin
.35M – Down steps, then right turn on to El Polin Loop
.37M – Veer left and stay on El Polin Loop
.42M – Left turn onto El Polin Spring Connector – continue on trail up, pass soccer field on left
.60M – At trail intersection after soccer field, turn left. Pass soccer field and baseball field
.79M – Continue straight, DO NOT take connector trail on right
.90M – Right turn/veer right on trail
.95M-1.4M – Right turn onto Mountain Lake Trail (runs adjacent to W. Pacific Ave), pass Presidio Wall Playground on right and continue all the way up Mountain Lake Trail to where it curves and meets w Arguello Blvd
1.50M – Right turn & head down Ecology Lower
1.55M-1.9M – Continue through Ecology Upper trail intersection; take Ecology Lower downhill, continue descending, and back towards the field, and the start/finish.
2.00M – Run on the RIGHT side of the start/finish race archway and turn LEFT/UPHILL on Ecology Trail.
2.50M – Right turn at Ecology Lower, then short climb to Mountain Lake Trail
2.55M – Right turnĀ onto Mountain Lake Trail
2.60M – Quick LEFT to cross Arguello Blvd crosswalk.