I have been dreaming a lot on this road trip. Some of the most vivid dreams of my life have unfolded in the past 100+ miles. I’m not quite sure why.
When I’ve had vivid dreams before it’s often been during periods of great duress. I’m stressed, anxious, or worried about something. But, I generally haven’t been stressed since I embarked on this road trip.
My mind has certainly been turning over (and over) the various things I have seen, heard, and experienced these past few days. I’ve also been mulling over the various people I’ve met lately and their various encounters with Sasquatch. Maybe this is why it’s happening.
Last night was a whole other level, though. Apparently, I need to tread lightly with the ‘pain relief’ Jimmy gave me. Lest I want some truly bizarre, head tweaking dreams.
I called Jimmy shortly after getting his text last night. Turns out the hair I found was not human. They don’t know what it is.
This news is vaguely encouraging and simultaneously discouraging. it’s great we determined it’s not human. But, I’d love to have some clarity around what kind of hair it actually is!
Is it the hair of an unknown primate? Is it a horse hair? What the hell is it?
Similarly, what the hell is the story with the fake footprints? What the hell is the story with the device I found that makes Sasquatch noise? Have I stumbled onto some strange cabal of Sasquatch impersonators?
In a separate vein, so many of the incidents I’ve researched are years old. I don’t quite understand why so many who have had experiences don’t report them for years (or decades) later. It doesn’t quite make sense.
I’m not slipping down the rabbit hole (yet). But, there’s much more to this Sasquatch business than I ever realized. Whether or not Sassy exists seems like the tip of the iceberg.
Now that I see on paper all the thoughts and questions rattling around in my head, having weird dreams makes a certain amount of sense! But, what my mind conjured up last night was one for the ages. It was like that crazy scene from ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ when Luke confronts Vader in the cave while training with Yoda at Dagobah.
Like Luke, I confronted the Sasquatch in the clearing only to see MYSELF. It was a giant furry thing with my face! I need a little time to mull over exactly what this dream meant.