Upcoming Events/Races

The Sasquatch Scramble Half/10K/5K
Sun, 5/12/24.
Redwood Regional Park
Oakland, CA.

The Rock the Loch Half/10K/5K
Sun, 7/7/24.
Lake Chabot
Castro Valley, CA.

The Honey Badger Half/10K/5K
Sun, 9/22/24.
China Camp State Park
San Rafael, CA.

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Diary entry…strange noises in the woods and a Squatching lesson in Navarro..

There are TONS of Sasquatch related incidents and reports that involve hoots, howls, roars, and generally ‘strange noises’ in the woods. One of the most famous such incidents occurred in the 1970’s.

The ‘Sierra Sounds’ is a four minute recording of some of the most disturbing noises I’ve ever heard. Last night in Point Arena, I encountered a strange noise that bore at least a vague resemblance to what Al Berry and his friend Ron Morehead captured back in the 70s.

It’s one thing to listen to a creepy recording. It’s another thing entirely to hear a strange noise in the woods in the middle of the night. I think I still have some goosebumps on my arms.

I’d be a fool to think it isn’t at least ‘possible’ they exist. In the short period of time I’ve been diving into the Sasquatch rabbit hole, I’ve encountered a footprint, a weird strand of hair, an ungodly noise that wasn’t human or animal, and I may have caught a glimpse of one in the telescope.

I’ve managed all of this just by pretty much winging it these past few days. I’ve done some research and have some vague notion of what squatching entails. But, I need some help.

So, Sherman and I are meeting up with a professional squatchologist. Jimmy ‘Yeti’ Jones has been squatching for YEARS. He’s been featured on more than a few reality shows involving Sassy. Rumor has it he’s an eccentric character. But, then again, anyone in this line of work can probably be described this way.

He’s allowing me to pick his brain about all things Squatchy. He also offered to actually take me out into the field at Navarro River Redwoods State Park and show me the ropes.

His only condition? I’ve got to meet him at Ukiah Brewing Company and buy him a beer. No problem!

Dec 17, 2020 | Category: General | Comments: none