Upcoming Events/Races

The Sasquatch Scramble Half/10K/5K
Sun, 5/12/24.
Redwood Regional Park
Oakland, CA.

The Rock the Loch Half/10K/5K
Sun, 7/7/24.
Lake Chabot
Castro Valley, CA.

The Honey Badger Half/10K/5K
Sun, 9/22/24.
China Camp State Park
San Rafael, CA.

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Diary Entry-Onward to Fort Bragg (& Willits)

Jimmy ‘Yeti’ James was QUITE the character. Then again, anyone who ‘squatches’ professionally must be a bit eccentric. Myself included.

The time I spent with this hard drinking, loud laughing, and squatch chasing bear of a man was time well spent. Not only was he entertaining, Sherman and I learned a few things about hunting for squatches.

Jimmy’s approach was less about actively searching for them and more about finding some creative ways to attract their attention. Jimmy seems to think they’re naturally curious about humans. The right combination of smells and noises might just draw one in.

Our efforts out in the woods at Navarro River Redwoods State Park certainly got the attention of ‘something’ as evidenced by what we saw the next morning. It was a bit of a mess.The noises I heard during my dream were likely real.

But, if whatever paid a visit last night was a squatch, perhaps there’s no guarantee I would have seen it. Jimmy said something that is now deeply embedded in the recesses of my squatch searching brain. Squatches play by their own rules.

If they want you to see them, then you may seem them. If they don’t want to be seen, you’re likely not going to see them. It’s a bit heady (and perhaps nonsense), but Jimmy seems to know what he’s talking about.

Speaking of sightings, I’m heading North (and then East) to check out a spot in Willits. There’s a report that a man actually saw a squatch crossing the road back in 2008. Sherman and I are going to check out the spot in question. We’ve also made contact with the man who (allegedly) saw the squatch.

I think I’ll fire up some Led Zeppelin. Sherman seemed to really dig it when Jimmy ‘got the Led out’. I dug it too! A lot of their songs just SOUND like amazing adventures (or epic road trips). I definitely need to add some Zeppelin to The Great Sasquatch Road Trip playlist!

Dec 24, 2020 | Category: General | Comments: none