Upcoming Events/Races

The Sasquatch Scramble Half/10K/5K
Sun, 5/12/24.
Redwood Regional Park
Oakland, CA.

The Rock the Loch Half/10K/5K
Sun, 7/7/24.
Lake Chabot
Castro Valley, CA.

The Honey Badger Half/10K/5K
Sun, 9/22/24.
China Camp State Park
San Rafael, CA.

Get the Sasquatch Sentinel

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Diary Entry……Albion Castle..

I knew it was a question of when, not if I’d find myself face to face with the Nur again. It only took about 200 miles for the inevitable to happen. What now?

The end of the road trip is mercifully near. My legs are heavy and weary. But, can I afford to stop running? If I do, it may mean the end of my running days.

More than 200 miles hasn’t fatigued the Nur at all. In fact, it appears to have strengthened him. God knows how many he’s fed on over the course of this road trip.

It’s pretty clear I can’t outrun it. The question is can I stop it? I have no idea. Neither does Mom.

She’s going to try to help. I won’t let her put herself directly in harm’s way, but I can’t stop her from going to Hicks road. She’s going to explore the Nur’s ‘lair’ down there.

The hope is she can learn something about the Nur that might be useful. If we’re lucky, she might uncover some of the Nur’s weaknesses, if there are any to be uncovered.

There shouldn’t be any real danger in her exploring the Nur’s lair. But, Dad’s going with her anyway. She’s still not herself.

In the meantime, I am going to face down the Nur at Albion Castle. Maybe I can slow it down? Maybe I can wound it?

I might also be able to learn why it has a thing for me. It’s fed on countless, but it wants me. What’s driving it to chase ME so relentlessly?

I don’t think you can reason with the Nur. It’s unlikely you can’t bargain with it. And, I can’t imagine it will not stop.

But, between Mom’s trip to Hicks Road and my efforts at Albion Castle, we might get lucky and figure something out. If not…..well…..let’s not go there.

Sep 23, 2020 | Category: General | Comments: none