Diary Entry-A foot cast (at last) and the trip rolls onto Richardson Grove State Park
Encountering Sasquatch was a harrowing experience for Terry that haunts him to this day. Karen’s encounter seemingly had little long term impact. Carter’s encounter changed the trajectory of his life profoundly and provided him clarity.
What will happen to me if and when I have an encounter of my own? Will it provide clarity like it did Carter? Will it wreck me like it did Terry? Or will I walk away from it seemingly unaffected like Karen?
There’s no guarantee I will find Sassy. I knew this from the very beginning. But, I can’t shake the feeling that I am getting close.
How could I feel otherwise? I’ve found hair, scat, and a footprint. I feel Ike I am just a step (or three) away from seeing one live and in the fur.
Dad warned me before I left to be careful. He wasn’t worried about me falling prey to the garden variety dangers one can encounter on a (solo) 340 mile road trip. He was concerned about me falling down the rabbit hole.
He knows what he’s talking about. He’s lost a few colleagues to the search for Sasquatch. Some go searching and just never really come back entirely.
But, Carter didn’t fall down the rabbit hole. His experience informed what he ended up studying in college. It launched his career as an Anthropologist. I’m hoping this experience will provide a similar kind of clarity.
So, I’m pressing on. One of the profound lessons my running coach in high school taught me was to ‘find a way’. When you’re tired and feel like you can’t make it to the finish line, FIND A WAY. Kick, scratch, claw, and crawl if you must. But, find a way.
Given what I’ve uncovered thus far, it feels like I am on the right track. Jimmy seems to agree. But, nothing is guaranteed when it comes to the world’s most elusive, furry cryptid.
I sent Jimmy pics of the foot cast I managed to get at Standish-Hickey. Given that it was my first time, he was pretty pleased with it. He also tended to think it was not the print of a homo sapien.